General Privacy Notice (GDPR)


Data Protection Act 2017, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”)

Your Personal Data – what is it?

“Personal Data” is any information about a living individual which allows them to be identified from that data (for example, a name, photographs, videos, an e-mail , home or business address). Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information. The processing of personal data is governed by the Data Protection Act 2017, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”) and other legislation relating to personal data and rights such as the Human Rights Act 1998.

Who are we?

This Privacy Notice is provided by the CENTRE STAGE HAIR AND MEDIA MAKE-UP STUDIO (“CENTRE STAGE”) which is the Data Controller for your data.
CENTRE STAGE works with, or is in contact with, a number of outside organisations including:

  • Government institutions for the purpose of assisting in Professional and Career Development Loans, Health and Safety regulations, etc
  • Financial, Accountancy and legal service providers and HMRC
  • Insurance Companies for the purposes of Professional Liability or individual insurance linked to studio or location work,
  • Film, Television and Theatre production companies.

CENTRE STAGE may therefore need to share personal data held in order to carry out its duties and responsibilities to past, present or future students and other connected third parties.

CENTRE STAGE is a Data Controller and a description of what data is processed and for what purpose is set out in this Privacy Notice provided to you by CENTRE STAGE on its own behalf and on behalf of other Data Controllers representing, inter alia, those organisations listed above.

What data do the Data Controllers listed above process?

Data Controllers will process some or all of the following information where necessary in order to perform their tasks:

  • Names, titles, aliases, photographs, etc of students and models,
  • Contact details such as telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses, of students and models and persons to be contacted in case of emergency.
  • Where relevant to CENTRE STAGES’ mission, or where provided by you, CENTRE STAGE may provide demographic information such as gender, age, date of birth, marital status, nationality, education/work histories, academic/professional qualifications, hobbies, family composition, and dependants,
  • Where you provide such information, CENTRE STAGE may also process other categories of sensitive personal data, racial or ethnic origin, sex life, mental or physical health, details of injuries, medication/treatment received, political beliefs, labour union affiliations, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning sexual orientation and criminal records, fines and other judicial records.

How do we process your personal data?

Data Controllers will comply with their legal obligations to keep personal data up to date, to store and destroy it securely, not to collect or retain excessive amounts of data, to keep personal data secure and to protect it from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure, and to ensure that appropriate technical protection measures are in place.

CENTRE STAGE may use your personal data for some or all of the following purposes:

  • To be able to meet all statutory, legal and regulatory obligations,
  • To carry out comprehensive safeguarding procedures, including due diligence and complaints handling, in accordance with best safeguarding practice from time to time and with the aim of ensuring that all children and adults-at-risk are provided with safe environments,
  • To organise and carry out all tuition in the best interests of both CENTRE STAGE and its students or models,
  • To maintain adequate accounts and other records,
  • To process the receipt and acknowledgement of all tuition fees and expense payments,
  • To seek your views and comments,
  • To notify you of changes to CENTRE STAGE’s tuition services and role holders, and to process role applications,
  • To send you communications which you have requested or which CENTRE STAGE consider may be of interest to you,
  • To process grants, or grant applications with regard to outside or government-backed finance for students’ tuition fees and expenses,
  • To enable CENTRE STAGE to provide a service to outside parties such as Film, Television and Theatre production companies or other similar establishments, both educational and professional, whereby students may benefit from participating in their activities within the contractual proposals of CENTRE STAGE and its students.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

Most of the data is processed because it is necessary for the legitimate interests of CENTRE STAGE.

Some of the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

CENTRE STAGE may also process data if it is necessary for the performance of a contract or to take steps to enter into a contract with you.

Where information is used other than in accordance with one of the above, CENTRE STAGE will first obtain your consent to that use.

Sharing your personal data.

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential. It will only be shared with third parties where it is necessary for the performance of CENTRE STAGE’s activities and duties or where you first give CENTRE STAGE your prior consent.

It is likely that we shall need to share your data with some or all of the following:

  • The appropriate government, administrative or educational institutions, for example student/work registers, health and safety, and fiscal authorities.
  • Agents, servants or contractors of CENTRE STAGE. For example, CENTRE STAGE may ask a service provider to send out newsletters on its behalf or to maintain data-based software.
  • There may be other legal entities with whom CENTRE STAGE may share data and who are themselves Data Controllers.

How long do we keep your personal data?

CENTRE STAGE will keep some records permanently if legally required so to do. Some records may be kept for an extended period of time – for example, financial records for a minimum of seven years to support HMRC audits and in accordance with generally recommended accounting practice. In general terms, CENTRE STAGE will endeavour to keep data only for as long as is necessary and it may thus be deleted spontaneously by CENTRE STAGE when it is no longer needed.

Your rights and your personal data.

Please note that when exercising any of the rights below, CENTRE STAGE may need to verify your identity for security reasons in order to process your request. In such cases, CENTRE STAGE will need you to provide proof of identity before you can exercise these rights.

You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  1. To access information on you and held by CENTRE STAGE.
    You can contact CENTRE STAGE to request the information held by CENTRE STAGE as well as to know what information is so held, who has access to the information and from where CENTRE STAGE obtained such information. Once CENTRE STAGE has received your request, a response will be given within one month.
    There are no fees or charges for the first request but additional requests for the same data may be subject to an administration fee.
  2. To correct and update the information held by CENTRE STAGE.
    If the information held by CENTRE STAGE is out of date, incomplete or incorrect, you may inform CENTRE STAGE and such data will be updated.
  3. To have information held by CENTRE STAGE erased.
    If you feel that CENTRE STAGE should no longer be using your data or that it is being illegally used, you may request CENTRE STAGE to erase such data.
    When CENTRE STAGE receives your request, confirmation will be given to you that the data has been deleted or the reason why it cannot be deleted (for example, because it is needed for the legitimate interests of CENTRE STAGE or for regulatory purposes).
  4. To object to processing of your data.
    You may request CENTRE STAGE to stop processing your data. Upon receiving your request, CENTRE STAGE will contact you and let you know if it is able to comply or if there exist legitimate grounds to continue to process your data. Even after you exercise your right to object, we may continue to hold you data to comply with your other rights or to bring or defend legal claims.
  5. To data portability.
    You may request CENTRE STAGE to transfer some of your data to another Data Controller. CENTRE STAGE will comply with your request, where it is feasible to do so, within one month of receiving your request.
  6. To withdraw your consent to the processing of information held by CENTRE STAGE at any time for any processing of data to which consent was sought.
    You can withdraw your consent easily by telephone, e-mail or by post.
  7. To object to the processing of personal information, where applicable.
  8. To lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Transfer of data abroad

Any electronic personal data transferred to countries or territories outside the EEA will only be placed on systems complying with measures giving equivalent protection of personal rights either through international agreements or contracts approved by the European Union. The CENTRE STAGE website is accessible from overseas, so there may be occasions when some personal data may be accessed from overseas.

Further Processing

IF CENTRE STAGE wishes to use your personal data for a new purpose which is not covered by this Notice, you will be provided with a new Notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, CENTRE STAGE will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

Contact Details

Please contact CENTRE STAGE if you have any questions concerning this Privacy Notice or the information held about you or to exercise your rights, at:

The Data Controller on 01825 890080 or via e-mail
or by post to CENTRE STAGE MAKE-UP STUDIO, Brownings Farm, Blackboys, Uckfield,
East Sussex TN22 5HG.

You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or via e-mail or by post to Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

May 2018